VSSEC makes every attempt to provide a rich learning environment for students and access to equipment not available in schools. To assist us in maintaining this service to students and teachers we ask you to respect the following terms and conditions.
All invoices must be paid in full within 30 days of receipt.
Deposits are non-refundable.
Schools will be invoiced as per their original booking unless changes are communicated in writing at least 24 hours prior to the program.
Student medical and dietary information is to be received no later than one week prior to the program.
If wheelchair access is required please specify on the student information sheet.
Schools will be liable for any damage caused by their students to equipment or furniture within the space centre.
Students are not permitted to leave the centre during the day of the program.
As there are often multiple groups using the space centre, schools arriving late will have their first session shortened accordingly.
In consideration of all participants no mobile phones or music players are permitted in the session.
Students must be supervised at all times. At least two teachers must attend programs where students are split into two groups (Mission to Mars & MOSL).
Students and teachers must wear closed footwear when attending all programs at VSSEC.
For small group bookings VSSEC reserves the right to amalgamate schools. Should this occur schools will be notified prior to the program.