VSSEC Advisory Group
The VSSEC Advisory Group was established in 2007 to provide advice on the operation and future direction of the Centre. It consists of organisations with a common interest in the promotion of science education. The group meets once per school term and acts as a review and recommendation body and provides the opportunity for the exchange of information between organisations connected with VSSEC.
The Advisory Group aims to promote the long-term sustainability of the Centre’s role in encouraging innovation in science education.
The Advisory Group includes up to 7 members with a representative(s) from: VSSEC; Strathmore Secondary College; VSSEC’s University partners; A University Education Faculty; Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority; and the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.
Current VSSEC Advisory Group:
Michael Pakakis (Director VSSEC)
Jill English (Principal Strathmore Secondary College)
John Mitsinikos (Assistant Principal Strathmore Secondary College)
Professor Peter Dyson (Emeritus Professor Latrobe University)
Marian Anderson (Monash University)
Glenda Graham (Victoria Division Executive Director, Engineers Australia)
David Jones (Senior Lecturer Victoria University)
Ms Maria James (Science,VCAA)
Mr Brett Biddington AM (Industry Representative)